Thursday, October 24, 2019

Great Depression Essay

The Government Didn’t Do Enough |The Government Did Enough | | |Common Knowledge |Common Knowledge | |William Lyon Mackenzie king |William Lyon Mackenzie King | |-wouldn’t give Conservative governments financial assistance |- | |-thought unemployment was seasonal | | |-wanted to balance the budget |Richard B. Bennett | |-king beats Bennett in the 1935 election (New Deal) |-helped out those who sent him letters | |-did nothing after winning election |-Bennett’s new deal | | |Health insurance, Unemployment insurance, Maximum work week, | |Richard B.Bennett |financial assistance to farmers | |-Raised Tariffs | | |-Unemployment reflex camps |Co-operative Common Wealth Federation (CCF) | |-Bennett blanket and buggy |-J. S. Woodsworth – Saskatchewan | | |-public own | |Co-operative Common Wealth Federation (CCF) |-increase social programs | |-J. S.Woodsworth – Saskatchewan |-government spend their way out of the depression | | | | |Social Credit |Social Credit | |-â€Å"Bible â€Å"Bill Aberhardt – Alberta |-â€Å"Bible â€Å"Bill Aberhardt – Alberta | |-Federal government wouldn’t allow it |-everyone to get $25 per month to spend on necessities | | | |Union Nationale |Union Nationale | |- Maurire Duplessis – Quebec |Maurire Duplessis – Quebec | |-emphasis on french language and culture | | | | | |PDF |PDF | |Page 2: kids had to cut street car tickets in half which were|Page 23: relief camps gave you food shelter and transportation. | |12 for a quarter so then they would get 24 for a quarter |Basically everything you needed | |page 5: kids hunted squirrels and gophers for meat |Page 35: Bennett’s new deal. 8 hour work day, minimum wage, | |Page 6: kids would chew grain instead of gum (would chew |elimination of child labour, insurance plan, and controlled | |alfalfa until it became like gum) |prices. –CCF, government has ownership of bank, insurance, bank, | |Pag e 8: kids were told there was no Santa |communication and power companies. |Page 33: men would walk 11 miles to apply for a job only to |Page 19: William Abhardt purposed goal was to give $25 every month| |find out there are hundreds of people all ready there waiting|to increase prosperity | |Page 34: farmers could not afford gas so they would attach |Page 16: hundreds of men would get meals at the soup kitchen | |their car to their horse and called it the Bennett Buggy |Page 29: one didn’t have to pay income tax unless ones income was | |Page 8: unemployment relief camps only paid 20 cents a day. |over $2000 | |Page 20: hundreds of men were found sleeping in a Toronto |Page 12: relief payments sometimes were in vouchers. Could only | |park with only a newspaper covering them. Bennett Blanket |buy specific items | |Page 21: jail cells were in terrible condition. Each cell | | |might have a bed. 200 men waiting for one toilet. Stomach | |troubles because of the food | | |Pa ge 10: Large companies laid off workers from railway | | |strikes | | |Page 3: Bennett raises tariffs | | |Page 2: people committed crimes to go to jail and have food | | |to eat | | |Page 24: innocent bystanders killed because of relief camp | | |strikers | | |Page 36: hard for farmers to be relieved, no way of | | |transportation | | |Page 2: boys were given pointless tasks (dig then fill holes)| | | | | |Page 7: one would pay doctors in food because one had no | | |money | | |Page 10: men in relief camps were treated like dirt/slaves | | |Page 22: paper shack, 79 x 24 with no windows. 88 men | | |Page 33: people tried to sell vacuums, pictures, books, | | |brushes. Too desperate | | |Page 10: government wanted the unemployed men out of sight | | |Page 12: no jobs therefore unemployment so people had lots of| | |dept | |Page 15: cars had disappeared because owners had to buy | | |antifreeze, but anti freeze was costly | | |Page 7: kids did not see an orange until Christmas | | |Page 8: one could not leave the relief camp because there was| | |nothing for about 100 miles. Had to stay | | |Page 14: Canadian government deported/sent back over 10,000 | | |immigrants. Some immigrants risked their lives to come to | | |Canada. No jobs so the government sent them back thinking it | | |was the solution. | |

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